Recherches scientifiques sur l'alimentation humide/pâtée

Le diabète chez nos chats

 Öhlund  M, Egenvall  A, Fall  T, Hansson-Hamlin  H, Röcklinsberg  H, Holst  BS.

Background: Diabetes in cats resembles type 2 diabetes in people. The etiology is not fully understood, but both genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute. ;J Vet Intern Med. 2017 Jan;31(1):29-35.

Alimentation sèche, sédentarité et obésité chez nos chats :

Rowe  E, Browne  W, Casey  R, Gruffydd-Jones T, Murray  J.

Risk Factors Identified for Owner-Reported Feline Obesity at Around One Year of Age: Dry Diet and Indoor Lifestyle. Prev Vet Med. 2015 Oct 1;121(3-4):273-81.

Risque accru de surpoids et obésité autour de deux ans :

Rowe EC, Browne WJ, Casey RA, Gruffydd-Jones TJ, Murray JK. Early-life

Risk Factors Identified for Owner-Reported Feline Overweight and Obesity at Around Two Years of Age. Prev Vet Med. 2017 Aug 1;143:39-48.

Réduire la densité énergétique par l'apport d'humide :

Alexander JE, Colyer  A, Morris  PJ.

The Effect of Reducing Dietary Energy Density via the Addition of Water to a Dry Diet, on Body Weight, Energy Intake and Physical Activity in Adult Neutered Cats. J Nutr Sci. 2014 Sep 25;3:e21.

Impact de la fréquence des repas et quantité d'eau apportée sur des chats en bonne santé :

Deng  P , Iwazaki E, Suchy SA, Pallotto MR, Swanson KS.

Effects of Feeding Frequency and Dietary Water Content on Voluntary Physical Activity in Healthy Adult Cats. J Anim Sci . 2014 Mar;92(3):1271-7